We are glad that you are interesting in getting connect to BRAZIL LAKE! Below are several weekly meetings you and your family might be interested in! We ALSO DO EVENTS (beyond what you see below), like everything from….meals together or game nights, to….. leadership training, or conferences: to keep up with these check us out on Facebook (brazil Lake Wesleyan ) or check out “DAILY LIFE TAB ABOVE” to see the weekly things that are happening at our church!
MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAYS – (11:00 am to 12:00 am)
EVENING GATHERING SUNDAYS – (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS – Sundays (10 am – 11:00 am)
YOUTH GROUP – Wednesdays (7:30 am – 8:30 am)
ALPHA – Thursdays (6:15 pm – 7:30 pm)
MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAYS – (11:00 am to 12:00 am)
This is our main meeting of all ages each week. There is singing each week, a speaker, and lots of chance for you to interact with our people!
EVENING GATHERING SUNDAYS – (6:00 pm to 7:00 pm)
This is focused for adults and teens, is usually pretty relaxed and intentionally offers you the opportunity to ask questions, and discuss a topic in groups. We often can learn new things more effectively if we have the opportunity to do some “hands on study and talk” THIS IS WHAT SUNDAY NIGHTS ARE ALL ABOUT!
Questions??? …Contact Pastor Kevin (902 740 5510) or by email at kmyersblw@gmail.com
For adults and teens:
ALPHA (described below) is a great way to get introduced to the basics of faith and what church is all about.
For kids:
AMPLIFY is our kids program (described below) and is a great way to meet other kids!
There are games, snacks, sometimes prizes, crazy science experiments, crafts, and A GREAT BIBLE LESSON! Your kids will find friends here and an adventure each week with monthly theme nights and great leaders! o There is also a face book page (Amplify Kids Program) that has regular updates.
SUNDAY SCHOOL – Sundays – (10:00 am to 11:00 am)
IT’s LIKE SCHOOL ….IF SCHOOL WAS FUN! There are classes that kids learn more about the BIBLE and JESUS and their part in the kids lives. They will find some great teachers here!
Kids are important to us and so once a month we do a kids service with the whole church! There is a kids lesson, kids songs that are fun to sing with, and we try and involve the kids as much as possible!
YOUTH GROUP – Wednesdays (7:30 am – 8:30 am)
This is weekly….. it is specifically designed for teens…. and it is a lot of fun!!! It has the BIG THREE each week ( food, good conversation, fun and silly games)
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS – Sundays (10 am – 11:00)
This is for the teens that want to go deeper. There is a lesson and good conversation weekly as well as special guests!
These happen several times a year and include rallies (usually one in November and in May… in other parts of the province) and local fun (like bowling or wing night or swimming)
Our goal is help the people in our church grow in their faith and we have several ways you can connect to do this:
ALPHA – Thursdays – (6:15 pm – 7:30 pm)
This is a program specifically designed for people who are unsure: maybe unsure about faith, unsure about church in general, unsure wht you believe or where you stand with this whole thing. They watch a video each week that talks about faith in some way, have a snack and coffee together and then spend some time discussing what they just watched….. o It is a safe place for you to come and be yourself, and learn about JESUS and the church, and about why we gather together like this. YOU WILL OT FIND PERFECT PEOPLE. But you will find some people that will be glad to see you and let you participate at your own comfort level!
LIFE GROUP – Wednesdays (7 :00 pm to 8:00 pm)
This is open to anyone and everyone but is an in-depth study of the BIBLE and what it has to say for followers of JESUS. Right now they are studying the book of JAMES.
CRAFT GROUPS (Tuesdays – (6:30PM – 8:30 pm)
We have 2 groups of ladies that meet Tuesdays to share life with each other and work on their individual crafting projects. Some knit, some crochet, some paint, some sow, some color, some hook, THESE ARE LADIES OF SEVERAL TALENTS! They would love for you to bring your craft out and join in!
Questions??? …Contact Pastor kevin (902 740 5510) or by email at kmyersblw@gmail.com